I love you

The camera in the upper right corner、My love machine Rolleiflex。
Since it uses from the school system era、I've been with him for about 15 years now (though this is the second generation)。
Accompany me on all photography trips and interviews、A reliable guy with no trouble at all。
I had an affair with various cameras、Eventually I will come back to this guy。

Most of the work is done with this guy。
I can't take polaroids, and if I'm asked to come closer (close-up)
There are some inconveniences that I have to return, "I can't do it!"、It makes up for it and plays an active role。

The other day I took a picture of a certain magazine with this camera。
A film and light meter in your pocket with a Rolleiflex hanging from your neck、
Most people look strange when they go to the scene with this figure。
I have a preconception that photographer = Camelback & heavy equipment?
The model Finns were also very interested in this camera.。
Does this style look strange in this era of digital heyday?、
The staff at the site are taking pictures of me taking pictures。
Shoot while listening to the shutter sound behind。
Shooting ends with just two。Even when shooting people in the city、It's always like this at work。

I have been using it for a long time、I have some certainty in the pictures taken with this camera。
No extra cut needed。
I really like this camera。

But was it overused for many years?、I'm not feeling well lately。
What a camera 35 years ago、There is rattling here and there。
It's time out I'll overhaul?
I feel lonely。

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