While Yu Quaternary photo exhibition 'the LIME CLASH

2011.02.15(Tue) – 02.20(Sun)@Roonee 247 Photography

City is located in the mass of desire that man has created for human beings、It's like creatures that can no longer control。
A large amount of desire clash with each other、Created a new desire、In addition fade away。
Born one of life、It city will also disappear and propagated as no。
Creatures that day-to-day reborn city、Create a new desire and life today。What is this chain never-ending spawn。Just、Human and urban are the creatures that live in each other support to do so。

While Yuki (Yuki Naka)
1991Born in Tochigi Prefecture

The middle is seven eyes Yuki-kun。
6×7のモノクロフィルムで撮影された都市風景。To represent the chaos of the city、This large amount of pin-up print of the whole sheet。
When I heard the exhibition plan、I made a proposal of "Do not you say even RC paper?"。But he is shaking off its stop、All of the printFibre-based Baryta paperTo finish in、We completely become a resident of the darkroom。
Want it experiences the material sense of the concrete and glass with the barium oxide to fill the venue。

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