The thief of time

"I think people who can't use a computer will perish from now on."
A cheeky elementary school student、There used to be a TV commercial for COMPAQ, which looks down and looks great (although that COMPAQ is dead? It's gone).。
I'm not familiar with personal computers、I don't think it will perish where it can't、I've been spending a lot of time on my computer lately。
That said、As usual, I rarely use digital cameras、No need for advanced image processing、Many of them are chores。
Well then、Do I need to spend so much time looking at the monitor? When、Suddenly。
According to Michael Ende's fairy tale "Momo" that I read when I was in elementary school、Today's civilization is a time thief。
World War III has already begun。A war competing for time。

Better yet、If you dispose of this computer、I wonder if there will be a few hours of free time。
Watering plants for shooting in the darkroom at that time。It ’s good to call a friend and serve home cooking.。
While thinking about that, heading to your home computer、The dilemma of writing a blog post like this。

I've become a bit bitter、New work has been uploaded to the homepage。10 photos from the photo exhibition "ariphoto 2007 vol.1" held last month。Change the layout a little、I also made it possible to use flash player。
Before you know it、It seems that I have become a way of life that I can not stand without a computer、At least let's improve the specifications and skills to improve work efficiency。

Very kind person。

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