Even though spring、Because it is spring

Spring is the season of encounter。Long line on a regular ticket counter、The city has been flooded with freshman。
New environment and meet new people、High expectations and is the state in which was a little bit of anxiety dancing the breast。
Smile a brand new suit shy。It pumps is to walk difficulty likely unfamiliar。
By the way speaking I and、Does not meet Tour of a good encounter even out in the past few days the city。Even though spring、We somehow and worrying endlessly。
I Nante's What a solely chance of the problem encounter、It's not only wandering the city anyway in order to increase the probability of chance。

And speaking of chance、There was a shocking confession at the workshop held today。It is there that K Hara's students have taken me to the photograph which I happened at Shirokiya before about five years。
Certainly there is such a thing and follow the memory、Rummage the house of print go home。
And、Maybe this is K Hara。

But my memory is vague、I thank to the recording of the photo、Always。
You up without the elaboration because it was too surprised。Incoherent and Sorry。

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