Some scene

In the traffic of roadside、Women seen in the mid twenties had sat down。
I thought also wonder if physical condition is bad、Such a feeling can not receive from gesture。
There seems also of tired look but、Also it looks like the mouth is smiling。
I wonder case that contains the violin're carrying? It is dressed with goods。
I thought also whether'll let you take the photo over voice、Moment that I and the camera has intervened in the space-time、It was obvious to disappear without the scene is sound。It does not mention too much beauty。Half-baked I can not helpless only stare。

Occasional strong winds blow through、Disturbing the long black hair。No how to fasten it to the care、She is staring at one point of the air while he sat down。I stare and try to burn the scene to the retina。Yuku been digested without any ruminant such as the hustle and bustle of the holiday the first day become a symbol。It is twisted world。
Before long the wind has been carrying an empty dark gray。Suddenly around darkens。
Once in the "heavy rain、The crowd will take shelter inside the building."
Some of the thunderstorms、Was entreaty that is left in the roadside with her and the two people。

But rain is not rain、She also did was unceremoniously walked away。

Remain marginalized mood、I to myself Yodobashi Camera。It was heavy rain and leave to table finished shopping。

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