"Work production and the origin of the relationship -About the process leading up to the publication of the first photo book 'Heart'-" has ended

TOTEM POLE PHOTO WORKSHOP Open Lecture vol.3 "Production and Origin of Engagement -About the process leading up to the publication of the maiden photo book "Heart"- Photographer Tsubasa Kawaguchi”Ended。Everyone who participated、Thank you for。
The title of this talk is “Enoki no Origin”、Tsubasa KawaguchiI think (hereinafter referred to as Tsubasa-kun) is a person who has placed great value on relationships with people.。Of course, the thing called "engi"、It won't happen if you just passively wait.。Tsubasa-kun is always nervous but proactive.、Don't be shy even towards your superiors、And don't forget to be polite、I feel like I was trying to find a connection myself.。The accumulation connects people、I think it was very helpful in the process of releasing my work to the world.。And Tsubasa-kun, who has cherished his relationships with people,、As a result, people value you as well.。From the lineup of customers who participated in this discussion,、I understand that very well。
At the end of the talk about the recent "Photography Awards"、Although it turned out to be a bit of a boring story.、I am confident that it may have been helpful to the young aspiring photographers who participated.。In my own dialogue with Tsubasa-kun,、there were many discoveries。Opinions were also actively expressed during the question and answer session after the dialogue.、The connections created between the participants in this conversation、It was a night that gave us a feeling that it would develop into a bigger movement.。

◉ Kawaguchi Tsubasa Photobook "Heart" / You can purchase ``Breathless'' from the link below.。

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