My alma mater

Tokyo hot away.、Ichiro is the Japan Sea to Tajima。Our alma mater、Osaka Visual Artsparticipated in the summer camp of。
The other guest is Mr. Keizo Kitajima, a senior photographer.。Even though we were acquaintances, we had never really talked、A little nervous about the slide talk on the first night。Mainly photos from my school days、Mr. Kitajima talks about the CAMP era and the works of NEW YORK.、It was a lecture that showed the work of when both started photography in their twenties.。It was a long event that lasted for three hours, including the question and answer session.、Excellent response from students。All the photobooks sold after the event were sold out.。
Take lots of pictures、Look at the photos of the students until midnight、Talk about photos until the morning、Savor the fresh delicacies of Tajima、The rest of the time I was floating in the sea almost。Nature of the Sea of ​​Japan、The three days were greatly inspired by the youthful power of the students.。
Teachers at Osaka School、Students、Everyone in Sazu Town、thank you very much!


Tense ago the senior and master


Apple both photo and play our best in


Imprinting a hangover headache、Healthy participation in radio exercises。


Dear Professor Shunji Dodo。I am forever grateful for your kindness and generosity.。

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